Our Governance Structure
The APSEA Constitution designates the Council as the highest decision making organ of the Association. The Council is made up of a representative from each of the Corporate Member of APSEA; the Executive Committee; convenors of committees of the Council and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Kenya Professionals Development Fund. The Council meets quarterly and gives general policy guidelines for the operations of the Association.
The Executive Committee is elected by the APSEA Council and their responsibility is to oversee the operations of the Association. The Executive Committee currently has 7 members and co-opts Convenors of the Committees who are appointed to advise and assist in carrying out the mandate of the various committees and a resource person into the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee meets every two months.

Dr.Nicholas Letting EBS, HSC, FFA, FCPA, FCS, FKIM, MIHRM and MIoD, has served in APSEA Executive Committee as the Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Secretary and currently Chaairman. He holds a PhD, MBA and B.Com degrees from the University of Nairobi and CPA, CS and CIFA from KASNEB. He joined KASNEB as CEO/Secretary in May 2019.
He is a committed professional, passionate facilitator in conferences, respected scholar - practitioner, corporate governance advisor, visionary administrator, investments and finance analyst and transformative leader with over 20 years of work experience. He served for 5 years with Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) as deputy Executive Director/CEO in charge of COYA, consultancy, membership, SME and Media services. Before joining KIM he worked with BAT Kenya for over 8 years in Leaf Operations, Finance, Human Resources and Administration.
He served for 7 years at the Management University of Africa, 5 years as Vice – Chancellor/CEO where he headed Finance, Academic and Administrative functions of the Institution. Has supervised several PhD and Masters Students successfully. In addition, he has consulted with international bodies including UNDP and published widely. He has been a Council Member and Chairman of ICPSK. He has served as Council Member and Chairman of Finance, Strategy and General Purposes Committee at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and is currently a member of National Commission for Science Technology and Innovations (NACOSTI). He is a Fellow of ICPAK, ICS and KIM.
He is a member in good standing of IoD, ICIFA and IHRM.
He is also a member of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSASB) and is serving in the ICPAK and ICIFA Councils.

Mr.Leonid Ashindu was born in 1982 and holds a Bachelors degree in Business Management from Management University of Africa, Higher National Diploma in Building/Civil Engineering from Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology (KIHBT), Diploma in Technical Education(Construction) from Kenya Technical Teachers College, Diploma in Building Construction from Kisumu Polytechnic and various honorary qualifications along with Personal Attributes Training and Workshops.He is currently undertaking a Bachelor's degree in Management and Leadership at Management University of Africa
Mr.Leonid Ashindu is a member of various Professional Bodies among which are: The Immediate Past Chairman Institute of Clerks of Works-Kenya (ICWK) and The Architectural Association of Kenya. He is also an accredited Construction Site Supervisors and Trainer with the National Construction Authority.
An Accredited trainer on Environmental Health and Safety in Construction and the Oil and Gas sectors. Currently working as a Chief Administrative Officer at Teachers Service Commission. He is also working as an individual consultant for the Africa Alliance of YMCAs.Previously worked as a Sub County Youth Training Officer with County Government of Kakamega. A Board Member of various Boards including: YMCA-NTI, Ebukhokoro Secondary School and Manyala Primary School.
Mr Leonid Ashindu has served in many capacities where he has held various Positions of Crucial Decision making as well as General Development of Organizations among which are United Nations Office of Project Services(UNOPS), Sinopec International Petroleum Corporation-Olkaria, Slum Upgrading And Youth Empowerment Projects, Ministry Of Education, Ministry Of Public Works,Kenya Prisons Service among others.

Rosemary Njogu has been in the executive committee of APSEA for six years in various capacities, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Assistant Treasurer and Honorary Treasurer. She is currently the Honorary Secretary of APSEA. She also serves in the Professional Resource Centre (PRCC) committee and Finance subcommittee.
She is a finance, governance and management Professional. She is a fellow of and a former member of the Council of the Institute of Certified Secretaries (ICS - former ICPSK), where she was the chairman of Ethics committee and later chairman of professional training and development committee. She served in the former Finance and Administration committee of the council. She is also a former member of the Board of KASNEB, the Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board where she served in various committees. She is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). She is a member of the Chartered Institute Management Accountants (CIMA-UK) and is a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)
Rosemary is a member of the Association of Women Accountants of Kenya (AWAK) and a former Vice Chairman. She has been a member of Training and Capacity Building Committee of AWAK. She is also a members of the Institute of Certified Investments and Financial Analysts (ICIFA).
Rosemary holds a master’s degree in International Business Administration (MIBA) from the United States International University (USIU). She is also a graduate from the University of Nairobi- Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.) accounting Option degree.
Rosemary is a board member of Ichagaki Boys Secondary school and Mugoiri Girls Secondary school. She is also the current Chairman of the ICS SACCO. She also served in Audit risk and Governance committee of her for six years.

Marylyn Musyimi is a Kenyan Architect. A PhD Researcher in the area of development control and Building Information Modelling. She holds a Master's degree in Construction Project Management and is a certified Green Building Expert. She has worked extensively in the region and with leading firms in the industry among them Mutiso Menezes International. She lectures in the department of Architecture at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology where she is in charge of the Fifth Year of Study.
Marylyn is passionate about Service, policy and education. She has volunteered at the AAK, EAIA, APSEA and is currently a Board Member at the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors.
In her free time, she is an avid reader. Else she will be found at home with her family or at one or other social or service activity.

Mr. Obura is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya; Lecturer-Department of Private Law-University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya and Legal Practitioner with the firm of Mwaura & Wachira Advocates Nairobi, Kenya.

Florence Nyole is a registered architect and environmental designer with over 12 years experience in private practice. She currently runs an architectural practice in Nairobi, Kenya known as EcoSpace Architects Ltd and serves as the President of the Architectural Association of Kenya leading the advocacy for 8 professions that make up the Association and the Built Environment at large.
She has been a leader in AAK for the last 9 years and has represented AAK in various capacities including a member of the Just City Working Group, a Member of the Urban Planning Technical Committee for Nairobi City County and a member of the Steering committee on the National Building Code 2020 Stakeholder Engagement by the National Construction Authority. She is currently a member of the Executive Committee of APSEA for the current session in charge of the Built Environment. She is also part of the ad-hoc committee which recommended the conferment of Eldoret Municipality to City Status making Eldoret the 5th City in Kenya. As a leader she has served as the President of the East Africa Institute of Architects for 2020/2021 session.
In Practice, she worked at Waweru and Associates Architects, the first indigenously owned architectural firm in Kenya which is now more than 50 years old and has experience in both high‐end and low‐cost sustainable architectural design works working with communities to bring about social change using built forms. She has won an award for her work in the design of Mara Girls Leadership School as the Best Educational Project during AAK Duracoat Awards of Excellence in 2017. She has used her experience to work with Classroom Africa program under the African Wildlife Foundation to develop and maintain schools across various landscapes in African countries including D. R. Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. She is also in academia and worked as a Tutorial Fellow at the University of Nairobi and won an award for leadership in Academia from Women in Real Estate during International Women’s Day in 2021.

Dr. Sheila Munanie Kilonzi is a lecturer of food science and nutrition at Karatina University. She is the current head of department of Food and has published in the area of food science and applied nutrition. She is an open-minded person with a zeal to transform lives through teaching, mentorship, research and community outreach activities.
Dr Sheila is a member and the current Honorary secretary to the Kenya Institute of Food Science and Technology (KIFST), a professional body that seeks to bring Food Scientists together to carry out research and disseminate the findings through conferences and workshops, mentor young scientist and seek ways of bridging gap in food safety for sustainable development. She also sits in the Food safety and ethics working group committee of the Global harmonization initiative (GHI) as well as APSEA Executive committee as Coopted member in charge climate change and food security.
Her area of research interest is sustainable food systems, nutrition and gut microbiota, non-communicable diseases and herbs, food safety and policy and the role of food scientists professionals in enhancing food safety.
She has received research awards from DAAD, RUFORUM, and IFS.
Healthcare Executive and Board Member, shaping the future of healthcare and strengthening health systems through leadership of healthcare organizations, health advocacy, health policy formulation, healthcare sector stakeholder engagement, and clinical care and management.
Proven record in leveraging equal blend of Vision, Strategy, and Execution to establish and operationalize successful businesses in the healthcare sector.
Transformational leader, providing valuable perspectives to Boards, Government and Healthcare sector stakeholders on Health Laws, Health Policies, and Health Dialogues – Contributed to articulating and implementing COVID-19 prevention and response strategy in Kenya, formulating technical components of the Sexual Offences Bill, developing Specifications for Medical & Hygienic Textile Products, protecting single business permits for professionals and formulating strategic plans of hospitals and health associations.
CEO & Gynecologist | Excella Healthcare – Nairobi
October 2020 – Present
Providing strategic and overall leadership of day-to-day operations, including clinical services delivery at the Medical Group Practice specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Key Contributions:
- Leading two administrative staff and spearheading day-to-day running of the
- Shaping strategic decision-making by convening Clinic meetings, taking minutes during meetings, serving as Secretary to the Board of Management and liaison with other clinic doctors.
- Managing the delivery of quality obstetric and gynecological care to
- Maintaining regulatory compliance by following up on licenses and other statutory
- Growing corporate brand, revenues, and client base through effective management of the Clinic’s social media
Obstetrician/Gynecologist | Kigumo Sub-County Hospital – Murang’a
January 2021 - Present
Delivering quality inpatient and outpatient obstetrics and gynecological care, serving an average of 15 patients a day at the 20-bed County Health Facility.
Key Contributions:
- Running specialist outpatient clinics in Obstetrics and
- Conducting ward rounds and performing elective and emergency obstetric and gynecological
- Serving on the Hospital Management Team (HMT), participating in HMT meetings and exerting influence on strategic decisions within HMT Committees.
- Managing a team of six medical officers, one clinical officer reproductive health and ten midwives and broadening skill set of staff through Continuous Medical
- Supporting the streamlining of medical operations with clinical guidance on maternity care and PMTCT
Obstetrician/Gynecologist | Family Heritage Hospital – Murang’a
April 2013 - Present
Providing comprehensive obstetric and gynecological care to patients at the 15-bed private hospital, previously known as Kimkan Health Services and Kimkan Hospital.
Key Contributions:
- Running specialized outpatient obstetric and gynecology clinics, conducting patient assessments, providing care and treatment, and monitoring high-risk obstetric patients.
- Conducting ward rounds in the obstetrics and gynecology wards and performing elective and emergency obstetrical and gynecological
- Providing technical advice and guidance on clinical protocols in maternity care and
- Building competence levels of staff by facilitating Continuous Medical Education (CME)
- Supervising junior medical staff in maternal and child health
Obstetrician/Gynecologist | Murang’a County Referral Hospital – Murang’a
April 2012 – January 2021
Managed an 11-member Reproductive Health Department, providing high-quality obstetric and gynecological care to an average of 20 inpatients and outpatients at the 317-bed County Health Facility.
Key Contributions:
- Ran specialized Obstetrics and Gynecology outpatient clinics and conducted ward
- Performed elective and emergency operations in obstetrics and gynecology and supervised junior staff in maternal and child health clinics.
- Delivered Continuous Medical Education to enhance quality of care and treatment and provided clinical input on maternity care and PMTCT
- Contributed to decision-making processes while serving on the Hospital Management Team and taking part in hospital management meetings and committees.
- Coordinated community outreach programs for postgraduate students from the Aga Khan University
- Coordinating the Physician Welfare Program by organizing regular physician gettogethers
CEO & Gynecologist | Hercules Healthcare – Nairobi
January 2012 – September 2020
Directed overall Medical Centre operations, taking leadership of human resource management, financial management, day- to-day operations, and medical services delivery at the Outpatient Medical Group Practice specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pathology and Laboratory services, and Surgery.
Key Contributions:
- Led two administrative staff, provided financial oversight of KES 2 Million in annual budgets, and managed book of accounts, expenditures, and revenues.
- Spearheaded the daily running and management of the medical practice, facilitating statutory and regulatory compliance, and convening and managing clinic meetings.
- Provided obstetrics and gynecological care and follow-up during outpatient
- Raised organizational profile and visibility by managing the Clinic’s social media
- Shaped and influenced strategic decision-making as Secretary to the Board of
Nairobi Women’s Hospital – Nairobi
August 2004 – April 2013
Managed medical services delivery and quality assurance and provided obstetrical and gynecological care and treatment while serving in the roles of Senior Registrar and Medical Officer Deputy In-Charge at the 30-bed private hospital.
Key Contributions:
- Led a team of 10 medical officers and ensured a seamless workflow by organizing and coordinating duty and assigning duties to medical officers across various hospital
- Embedded quality in clinical practice as member of the quality assurance committee, charged with evaluating quality policies and procedures, reviewing regulations, and identifying and mitigating quality
- Attended to outpatients and inpatients during doctors’ rounds and took part in administrative
- Ran outpatient, antenatal, and postnatal clinics, providing patient consults, and delivering care and
- Conducted ward rounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology and performed elective and emergency obstetric and gynecological surgical
- Improved medical services delivery by facilitating hospital clinical
Ministry of Health – Isiolo
August 2007 – April 2013
Held concurrent roles of Medical Superintendent, accountable for managing day-to-day hospital operations, District Medical Services Officer, charged with site supervision across health facilities, and Obstetrician/Gynecologist, leading the Reproductive Health Department at the 163-bed Government health facility.
Key Contributions:
- Developed the Hospital’s annual work plans in line with the annual operation plans and managed 220
- Directed operations across various hospital departments and functioned as Team Leader of the 14-member Hospital Management Team tasked with defining and executing hospital
- Served in the executive management team as Secretary to the Hospital Management Board, taking minutes during board meetings and following up on implementation of action plans.
- Formulated health care service standards that guided quality of service and patient
- Chaired all disciplinary committee meetings and the Hospital Finance and Procurement Committees, ensuring rational use of resources and financial discipline, and oversaw procurement of medical equipment and
- Spurred growth in hospital revenues from KES 6 Million in 2007 to KES 24 Million in 2013.
- Managed prevention of mother to child transmission (MPTCT) model site, providing evidenced-based PMTCT and HIV/AIDS care and treatment.
- Enhanced infection prevention and control standards and improved patient experience by reducing waiting times across all service delivery areas.
- Streamlined financial systems and enhanced accountability through automation of payment
- Developed the hospital from a single consultant hospital to an Internship Centre that trained medical officer interns and clinical officer
- Expanded health services delivery by building a Psychiatry Unit and steering equipment and infrastructural
- Conducted site supervision across seven district and sub-district hospitals in the zone, assessing and monitoring Malaria and HIV/AIDS Care, performance contracting, financial management, operations and service delivery, regulatory and statutory compliance, human resources for health needs, and corruption eradication
- Ran Obstetrics and Gynaecology outpatient clinics, ward rounds in the 30-bed OBGYN ward, and performed elective and surgical procedures as part of diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic problems.
- Built capacity of staff on maternity care and PMTCT protocols and facilitated CME
Senior House Officer | Kenyatta National Hospital – Nairobi
September 2003 – August 2007
Study Doctor – KESHO BORA HAART Study | University of Nairobi / WHO
January 2004 – December 2006
Medical Officer | Machakos General Hospital – Machakos
September 2001 – August 2003
Medical Officer Intern (House Officer) | Machakos General Hospital – Machakos
September 2000 – August 2001
Technical Expert, PMTCT/HIV Exchange Workshop – Upper Eastern Province | Ministry of Public Health Services/Ministry of Medical Services 2008 - 2010
HIV/AIDS Training Consultant | ESAMI/RATN Management June 2008
HIV/AIDS Training Consultant | ESAMI/ARCAN Management April 2008
Gender Based Violence Training Consultant – Nairobi Women’s Hospital GVRC Unit | MERLIN 2007
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Training for Health Professionals – Nazareth, Ethiopia | Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia December 2007
HIV PMTCT Training Consultant | AMREF/ NARESA 2006
Founding Director | MSG Investment Company Limited March 2007
- Set up company to promote member welfare through contributory pooling of funds and
Founding Director | Hercules Healthcare January 2010
- Established group medical services to provide clinical services in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, Laboratory and Pathology Services
Founding Director | Excella Healthcare September 2020
- Leveraged entrepreneurial vision to set up and operationalize an Obstetrics and Gynecology Group Medical
Founding Director | Nueva Esperanza Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre Ltd. March 2019
- Co-founded the substance abuse rehabilitation centre in Ruiru that runs three-month residential alcohol and substance abuse
Board Member | Amnesty International Kenya (AIK) June 2020 - Present
- Oversight Secretariat objectives, program delivery and standards compliance in accordance with the organisations strategic vision
- Strategy approval, policymaking, and performance oversight of AIK
- Approve annual plans, budgets, internal policy controls, processes and procedures that ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the protection of the assets and operations of AIK
- Drive membership recruitment, individual giving and the expansion of relationships and networks for Amnesty International Kenya to partner with
- Appoint and delegate management authority and responsibility to the Executive Director
- Request external expertise and establish committees as required to ensure effective oversight
Chair – Technical Committee of Towels Medical & Hygienic Textile Products (TC69) | Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) 2015 - 2022
- Developed Specifications for Surgical Face Mask, Surgical Adult Diapers, Surgical Non-Woven Disposable Wet Wipes, Surgical Panty Liner, X-Ray Detectable Lab sponges, and Hygienic Medical
- Reviewed standards for Nursing Pads, the Final Draft of the EA Standard on Disposable Sanitary Towels, and the Final Draft of the EA Standard on Disposable Baby
- Input into a Manual on Menstrual Hygiene Management as an OBGYN and Technical Committee Chair, as part of a partnership between the Ministry of Health and
- Delivered a presentation on “Health impact of poor manufacturing practices in textiles and hygienic products” at the KEBS TC69 Workshop on Textile Standards, themed Consumer Protection by use of
Chair – Machakos Division | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) 2001 - 2003
- Grew membership from 15 to 76 members over tenure, becoming the third largest Division of the
- Represented the Division in Governing Council meetings and created team synergy by introducing the KMA Soccer Team that won several
Convener, HIV/AIDS Committee – Nairobi Division | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) 2008 - 2012
- Took part in HIV community sensitization programs to drive awareness raising in Athi River
Convener, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Nairobi Division | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) 2008 - 2012
- Coordinated CPD activities such as Continuous Medical Education (CME) sessions and initiated the KMA online CPD platform.
Member – Technical Committee | Gold Star Network 2004 - 2006
- Represented KMA in the Network that focused on empowering communities through promotion of comprehensive HIV care in collaboration with a network of private health care providers.
Honorary Treasurer | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) April 2014 – April 2018
- Oversaw collection of subscription fees, accounts receivables, accounts payables, and served as signatory of all National Executive Committee expenditure.
- Spearheaded resource mobilization efforts to support Association activities and
- Operationalized the apartment wing of the KMA Centre that had been dormant since 2011, barely six months on the role, and streamlined property management at the Centre.
Secretary General | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) April 2018 – April 2022
- Influenced executive decision-making processes through engagement in National Executive Council and National Governing Council meetings and took minutes during Council meetings as well as during AGMs.
- Led advocacy initiatives for inclusion of KMA in National Health Boards of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council (KMPDC), Tobacco Board, and National Cancer
- Drove advocacy for Single Business Permits for doctors to eliminate double taxation of doctors at National and County Government
President | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) July 2022 - Present
KMA Representative | The National COVID-19 Response Taskforce 2020 -2021
- Served as KMA representative on the Human Resources for Health COVID-19 Sub-Committee and the Capacity Building for COVID-19 Sub-Committee.
Board Member | KMA Equity Foundation COVID Fund Project July 2020 – December 2020
- Served as Board Member of the inaugural oversight board, coordinating COVID-19 case-management onsite trainings in counties, as well as clinical case management Webinars, psychological Webinars, and drafting a research paper on COVID among the health workforce.
KMA Representative | APSEA/ Transparency International/ Coalition of National Medical Association (CANMA)/ World Medical Association (WMA) 2014 – Present
- Served as Kenya Medical Association’s representative to the organizations via participation in their meetings and
Producer – KMA@50 Documentary | Kenya Medical Association (KMA) 2018
- Documented KMA’s journey from inception in 1968 to 2018, interviewing past and present members to produce the documentary (link 1 and link 2).
Director | Kenya Medical Properties Limited (KMPL) 2014 - 2020
As a representative of KMA’s National Executive Council in the KMPL board
- Drove decision making on the running of KMA Centre (KMA HQ)
- Facilitated an audit of the organization and reconstruction of the KPML
- Aided in reduction of the loan debt of KMPL of about 2 billion Kenya Shillings to 0.5 billion via board decision making, active leasing and sales of offices at KMA Centre.
Committee Member – Central Branch | Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU)
2014 - 2016
- Actively engaged in Collective Bargaining Agreement meetings with Murang’a County Government
Council Member – National Executive Council | Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) 2016 - 2021
Achievements: As part of the NEC
- Participated in Negotiations for the first CBA between National and County
- Enabled union revenue growth from KES 25M to KES 153M and doubled membership to 6000 over
- Participated in formulation of financial manual guidelines for KMPDU and established payment rates
- Supported medical outreach programs through participation in medical
- Built partnerships on Health Laws, Health Workers Dialogue, and Health Policy.
Chief Resident – Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology | University of Nairobi 2006 - 2007
- Managed workflow by organizing postgraduate residents’ rota and coordinated classroom teaching activities in collaboration with the
- Served as residents’ representation at administrative meetings and formalized clinical management
Chair – Central Branch | Kenya Obstetrical Gynaecological Society (KOGS) 2021 - Present
- Coordinating Central Branch executive meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGMs), and steering resource mobilization to support Branch activities.
Facilitated delivery of Obstetrics tele-mentoring programs that built capacity of maternity teams, composed of 600 heath care workers over a 12-module teaching webinar on common obstetrics and neonatal conditions.
Coordinating delivery of Continuous Medical Education programs Hosting a symposium for KOGS Central Branch
2003 – 2008 Master of Medicine (MMed) in Obstetrics & Gynaecology – University of Nairobi 1994 – 2000 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) – University of Nairobi
Professional Development
October 2019 Training on Leadership, Strategy, Planning, and Corporate Governance & Ethics – The Business Advocacy Fund
September 2017 Certified Professional Mediator – Mediation Training Institute of East Africa June 2015 Certificate in Job Analysis – PwC
July 2011 Hospital Incident Command System HICS02 – St. John Ambulance Kenya
July 2011 Incident Command System Course: ICS01 – St. John Ambulance Kenya
2010 – 2011 Certificate in Senior Management for Health Systems Strengthening – Kenya Institute of Administration
September 2008 Certificate in Leadership Development Program: Training of Facilitators – Management Sciences for Health
February 2007 Certificate in Basic Business Finance – Manpower Services Kenya Limited June 2006 Self-Organization and Time Management – Manpower Services Kenya Limited
Short Obstetrics & Gynaecology Courses
November – December 2016 Breast & Gynecological Cancer Screening and Diagnosis – Alexandria University, Egypt/ Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development
August 28 – 30, 2013 Certificate in Advanced Gynecological Laparoscopy – Prof. Arnaud Wattiez/ Kenyatta National Hospital
December 2007 Obstetric Fistula Training – Department of Reproductive Health, Ministry of Health November 2007 Life Saving Skills Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care Course – Royal College of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG)
Short Medical Courses
February 2020 Certificate in Advanced Cardiac Life Support – National Resuscitation Council of Kenya August 2009 Certificate in Pharmacovigilance – Ministry of Medical Services/ Ministry of Public
Health Services/ Management Sciences for Health
June 2008 Certificate in Good Clinical Practice – IAVI
September 2005 AIDS Vaccine Trials & Good Clinical Practice Workshop – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
June 2005 Human Participant Protection Education for Research Teams (Ethics) – US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
November 2004 KESHO BORA HAART Study Protocol Training – World Health Organization (WHO) February 2002 Management of HIV/AIDS and Antiretroviral Therapy – NASCOP/ Kenya Medical
September 2000 Certificate in Basic Life Support and Advanced Cardiac Life Support – Resuscitation Council of Kenya
Meetings, Workshops, Conferences & Presentations
2005 – Present Kenya Obstetrical Gynaecological Society (KOGS) Annual Scientific Conferences 2001 – Present Kenya Medical Association (KMA) Annual Scientific Conferences
July 2019 2nd Malaysia Medical Association Conference on Health of Older Persons, Presented, “Positive Mindset in Ageing”, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
April 2016 Confidential Enquiry in Maternal Deaths Training – Regional Assessors’ Meeting April 2007 The Nairobi Hospital OBGY Symposium
November 2003 International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA)
Licensure – Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council Member – Kenya Medical Association (KMA)
Member – Kenya Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society (KOGS) Member – Kenya Medical Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Hospital Admission rights -
The Nairobi Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, AAR Hospital, Coptic Hospital, Nairobi Womens Hospital, Mater Hospital, Nairobi South Hospital, Ladnan Hospital, Meridian Equator Hospital, Kenol Hospital, Family Heritage
Hospital, Modern Aberdare Hospital,
Simon Mucara Kigondu (2007). Comparative study of the World Health Organization Clinical Staging and the CDC Immunological Staging of HIV infection amongst pregnant women
University of Nairobi Repository / The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Simon Mucara Kigondu (2007). Utilization and safety of Laparoscopy in gynaecological surgery at the Nairobi Women’s Hospital between January 2004 and December 2005 University of Nairobi Repository.
Chair, Parents Teachers Association (PTA) – Riara Group of Schools (2017 – 2018) Vice Chair, Parents Teachers Association (PTA) – Riara Group of Schools (2016 – 2017) Member, Couples for Christ – Kilimani Household (2014 – Present)
Convenor, Couples for Christ – Kilimani Household (2023 – Date)
Presenter, Marriage Counseling by Couples for Christ: – Holy Trinity Church Kileleshwa
Presenter, Family Program: Natural Family Planning and Death in the Family – Don Bosco Church (September 2017)
Doctor, Gender Violence and Recovery Centre (GVRC) – Nairobi Women’s Hospital (December 2001)
- Participated in drafting the technical components of the Sexual Offences
HIV Youth Project Facilitator – KANCO (2005 - 2007)
- Taught and empowered youth on HIV prevention and treatment and facilitated linkage to youth-friendly HIV care services as member of the KMA HIV
- Sensitized and trained parents and community leaders on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) to empower them to support the youth as part of the CDC-funded, “HIV prevention care services for young people in Kenya”.
Life member - Kenya Red Cross
Club member - The Nairobi Club, Public Service Club

Disability Physical Disability. NATIONALITY: KENYAN MOBILE:0725926984.
Email: titusyegoh@gmail.com
Marital status: Married.
Bachelor of Education (Moi-2007)-Technology education.
Teaching Emmanuel Complex school, Eldoret and Maria Soti Girls, up-to 2011. (Physics and Mathematics).
- SMC course from Kenya school of Government
- Risk management course from ESAMI, Arusha
- Trained on usability of built environment by KEBS (For save use by Persons with Disabilities).

Dr. Kenneth Wyne Mutuma is a practicing Advocate of the High Court of Kenya of over 20 years of law practice practicing at Wyne & Associates Advocates.
He holds a PhD in law from the University of Cape Town- South Africa, Master of Laws degree (LLM) from University of Cape Town- South Africa, a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. He is also a qualified Architect having graduated with a Bachelor’s in Architecture Studies from the University of Nairobi.
Dr. Ken has extensive senior management experience across local and international settings as well as practical knowledge of interdisciplinary issues. He possesses a comprehensive understanding of the practice and procedures in ADR having acted as adjudicator, arbitrator and mediator in a wide range of disputes. He sits as a member of the Dispute Resolution Panel of the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) and also has vast experience in ADR training having engaged in the various participant training events as a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb). CS (ICS). He is also an accredited Mediator (Kenya Branch). He is a member of numerous professional bodies ranging from Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London); The Society of Mediators & Conciliators of East & Central Africa; International Commission of Jurists; Law Society of Kenya; The East African Law Society and The Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK). Dr. Kenneth Wyne Mutuma teaches law at the School of Law, University of Nairobi.
Dr. Mutuma can be reached through kenmutuma@gmail.com or wyne@kenyanjurist.com
APSEA strategic plan (2017 - 2021) identifies Committees as crucial organs that will steer the Association to greater heights. Activities of the Association are expected to be committee-centered and require tapping into the expertise and knowledge of volunteer members
APSEA has thematically been organized into three committees namely:
- Professional Resource Centre Committee (PRCC)
- Marketing, Business Development and Capacity Building Committee (MBCC)
- Public Affairs, Governance and Legislation Committee (PGLC)
Beyond the above, we also have the Kenya Professionals’ Development Fund (KPDF).
Though membership to these committees is voluntary and do not attract any form of monetary payment for serving in the committees, they afford members greater opportunities to contribute to the national agenda and to advance the interests of professional bodies, as well as provide an interaction platform for professionals from diverse disciplines and growth of the professions under APSEA. Committee meetings are held at least once every two months except when there are urgent matters that require members’ immediate attention.
According to the constitution, APSEA Executive Committee consists of
- Chairperson
- The First Vice Chairperson
- The Second Vice Chairperson
- The Honorary Secretary
- The Honorary Treasurer
- The Assistant Secretary
- The Assistant Treasurer
The constitution under article 12 states as below.as quoted
- The Council may at any time appoint one or more Committees, consisting of such private members as it may consider fit, to advise and assist the Council in the performance of its functions.
- The Council may at its discretion vary the mandate and membership of such Committees.
- The Council may at any time discharge the Committees from their functions, but until so discharged, the Committees shall continue in existence notwithstanding changes in the membership of the Council.
- The convener of a Committee shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Association or until he:-
- Ceases to be a private member of the Association;
- Resigns,
- Or is unable to perform the functions of his office.
- The Council may in its by-laws prescribe the procedures and the conduct of the business of the committees.
Previously, the APSEA Executive has co-opted Committee conveners to sit in Executive meetings for operational and administrative purpose.
The Chairman has the authority to merge the functions of committees and streamline operations as he deems fit. However, it was decided that the members of Executive Committee should not be more than fifteen.
- Collaboration with state and non-state actors
- Involvement in matters of National Importance
- Expansion of APSEA Membership
- Legislative Agenda for members
The Executive Committee approved formation of three committees as below: -
The committee objectives: -
- Developing and maintaining a professional resource Centre.
- Management and maintenance of professional Centre building.
- Promoting and maintenance of the internal capacity of the APSEA secretariat.
To achieve the stated objectives, the committee has to undertake the following activities:
- Providing and enhancing library services
- Ensuring the viability of the Professional Centre and in particular revising rents and hire charges and rehabilitation of the Professional Centre.
- Ensuring the secretariat is managed by dedicated and qualified personnel.
- Creating a modern management information system for APSEA and in particular to install computer-based management information system (MIS).
- Regulate and control the whole of the finances and accounts of the Association.
- Co-ordinate the financial and accounting methods among all the committees and organs of the Association.
- Keeping of proper books of accounts
- Preparation of annual financial statements
- Co-coordinating budgets from committees
- Control of expenditure and authorizing payments
- Review of members subscriptions and reporting to the Council
- Advising the Council on sources and utilization of funds.
- Management of the Secretariat including staff.
- Responsible for the implementation of the APSEA strategic plan
The following are the committee objectives: -
- Promoting the highest standards of professionalism among members.
- Supporting the development of relevant and responsive National education system.
- Promoting opportunities for membership services locally, regionally and internationally.
- Developing support services for members
- Increase Membership in APSEA
In order to achieve the stated objectives, the committee will undertake the following activities: -
- Developing guidelines and promoting CPD programs among members.
- Organizing CPD programs for general membership and encouraging member associations to become involved in curriculum development of professional education.
- Promoting research and development through collaborative arrangement with research institutions.
- Establishment of a research fund.
- Publication of an APSEA Newsletter
- Development and ensuring compliance with the code of ethics
- Building a positive image of APSEA regionally, nationally and internationally
- Increase Membership in APSEA
- Development of recognition achievement award scheme.
- Creating local opportunities for professional services and in particular lobbying for consultancy work for local professionals and supporting entrepreneurship opportunities among members.
- Creating local capacity for professional services, which will include developing programs for capacity building and carrying out a competence needs assessment among professionals.
- Promoting export of professional services and in this regard participating in regional and international exhibitions and fairs.
- Encouragement of networking among professionals locally, internationally, and in particular to network with other professional centers and associations.
- Promotion of regional integration of professional services and in this regard to harmonize standards of training and practice.
- Creating a data bank of professional opportunities.
- Developing directory of professionals and their services.
- Developing services beneficial to members and in particular, to create insurance related benevolent fund for members, credit and discount schemes, professional pension scheme and preferential insurance for members.
The key objectives of the committee is to:
- Address the concerns surrounding professional integrity and ethics in professionalism.
- Providing leadership in professional matters affecting the public.
- Encouraging the practice of good governance at social, political and economic levels.
- Mentor and lobby parliament, Government and other stakeholders in respect of legislation.
In order to successfully achieve these objectives, the Committee carries out the following activities;
- Assess, address and monitor cases when professional integrity and ethics have been compromised
- Carry out activities that facilitate the cultivation of professionalism in member associations such as professional sectoral workshops and seminars and such like activities; lobbying, informative and mentorship
- Facilitate the development and implementation of codes of conduct in APSEA and its corporate members and ensuring compliance with the code of ethics
- Consulting with member associations seeking to know the legal framework and codes of conduct as well as the enforceability or otherwise of the same.
- Addressing the possible hindrances to efficient professional delivery.
- Supporting member Associations in matters of public interest and in this regard lobbying on public issues affecting members and promoting amendments of laws to ensure self-regulation in the professional Associations.
- Creating capacity to pro-act and respond to public issues from a professional perspective and in particular to create forums for discussion on issues of public interest and lobbying for inclusion of professionals in public institutions including parliament.
- Recognition of achievement that promote public interest and in particular promoting achievement awards that enhance excellence.
- Developing good governance criteria for use nationally and in this regard to organize code of conduct workshops nationally.
- Lobbying for the creation of the office of ombudsman and for this reason the committee will develop the terms of reference for the office and promote the idea among the national stakeholders.
- All these committees will attract Programs, Partnerships and collaborations from different stakeholders.
- They are also mandated to propose programs or any matters that need to be handled and direct them to the committees as necessary.
- Members of Secretariat to service the Committees.
- Each Committee consists of not more than 10 members.
- Members of committees are from APSEA associations.
- Committee conveners are free to choose deputy conveners in their first meetings. However only Conveners are executively appointed and sit in Executive Committee.
- Executive Meetings are held quarterly and one of the main agenda in the meetings is reports by conveners.
- Committee meetings are held monthly or fortnightly or twice a quarter as determined by workload and committee programs.
In addition, the Association also has the Kenya Professional Development Fund (KPDF) under Trustees to promote the development of professionals and professionalism through selected interventions and activities that target young professionals and the youth in general.
The following are the functions of KPDF:
- To promote the growth and development of professional education training in Kenya and the East Africa Region.
- To promote encourage or otherwise support the adoption and application of best practices in professional conduct standards and ethics.
- To support and provide funds for strengthening professional values, ethics and integrity among professionals.
- To support the strengthening of professional disciplinary mechanisms and their enforcement.
- To support and undertake training and capacity building activities as may be found appropriate from time to time.
- To sponsor any activities, studies, undertakings, promotions and implementation of programs which help any or all of the above activities.
- To raise funds and other resources from all acceptable sources and to set up the fund as an endowment fund to secure the cause and sustainability of the fund.
- Identify and engage strategic partners who can contribute to the Fund.
- Write appropriate proposals.
- Establish secretariat for the Fund.
- Solicit for proposals from beneficiaries of the Fund.
- Increase the Investment Portfolio.
The day to day activities of the Association are run by a team of qualified and competent persons who primarily implement the decisions of the Executive Committee. The Secretariat is composed of the Executive Officer, we have Officers in charge of Programs, Accounts, Operations and, Office functions.
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Anne GumbiExecutive Officer |
Rodney LuluAdministrative Assistant, KPDF |
Shelly MwirichiaOperations Officer |
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Grace WambuiSupport Staff |
John OdhiamboSupport Staff |